- Al-Marhoun, M., 2023, March. Estimation of Missing Molecular Weight and Specific Gravity of Heptane Plus Fraction in PVT Laboratory Report. In Middle East Oil, Gas and Geosciences Show. OnePetro.
- Al-Marhoun, M., 2023, January. Development of an Artificial Neural Network Model and an Empirical Correlation for Predicting the Isobaric Instantaneous Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Crude Oils. In SPE Symposium: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Shape the Future of the Energy Industry. OnePetro.
- Al-Marhoun, M. A. 2022. A new derivative-based method for determination of bubble point pressure of hydrocarbon systems. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 12(4), pp.949-958. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13202-021-01352-6.
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- Al-Marhoun, M.A., 2021. Determination of gas-saturated oil density at reservoir conditions and development of quality control index of PVT laboratory report. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production, 11(1), pp.269-277.
- Kareem, L.A., Iwalewa, T.M. and Al-Marhoun, M., 2016. New explicit correlation for the compressibility factor of natural gas: linearized z-factor isotherms. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 6, pp.481-492.
- A. Al-Marhoun: “Black Oil Property Correlations – State of the Art,” paper SPE 172833 presented at 19th SPE Middle East Oil Show & Conference, Bahrain, 8 – 11 March 2015 .
- A. Al-Marhoun, S. Shujath Ali, A. A. Abdul Raheem, S. Nizamuddin, and A. A. Muhammadain.: “Prediction of bubble point pressure from composition of black oils using artificial neural network,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, 32:14, May 2014, 1720-1728 .
- A. Al-Marhoun: “Isothermal Oil Compressibility Curve Crossing,” SPE-SAS-349 paper presented at the 2014 SPE Technical Symposium of Saudi Arabia Section held in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 21–24 April .
- A. Al-Khalifa and M. A. Al-Marhoun : “Application of Neural Network for Two-Phase Flow Through Chokes,” SPE-SAS-567 paper presented at the 2013 SPE Technical Symposium of Saudi Arabia Section held in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 20-22 May .
- Yisa A. Adeeyo and A. Al-Marhoun : “Evaluation of Mathematical Models of PVT Properties for Nigerian Crude Oils,” Paper SPE 167513 presented at SPE Nigeria Annual International Conference and Exhibition, 30 July – 1 August 2013 , Lagos, Nigeria.
- A. Al-Marhoun , A. A. Abdul Raheem, S. Nizamuddin, S. Shujath Ali, and A. A. Muhammadain.: “Prediction of crude oil viscosity curve using artificial intelligence techniques,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volumes 86–87, May 2012 , Pages 111–117.
- S. Al-Nasser, and M. A. Al-Marhoun : “Development of New Gas Viscosity Correlations,” Paper SPE 153239 presented at SPE International Production and Operations Conference and Exhibition held in Doha Qatar, 14–16 May 2012 .
- A. Al-Dhamen and M. A. Al-Marhoun .: “New Correlations for Dew-Point Pressure for Gas Condensate,” SPE Saudi Arabia section Young Professionals Technical Symposium, 14-16 March 2011 Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
- Shusei Tanaka, Norio Arihara, and A. Al-Marhoun : “Effects of Oil Compressibility on Production Performance of Fractured Reservoirs Evaluated by Streamline Dual-Porosity Simulation,” Paper SPE 130397, SPE EUROPEC/EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition held in Barcelona, Spain, 14–17 June 2010 .
- Shusei Tanaka, Norio Arihara, and A. Al-Marhoun : “Evaluation of Oil Compressibility Effects on Pressure Maintenance in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Using Streamline Simulation,” Paper SPE 131716, Proceedings, CPS/SPE International Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition in China held in Beijing, China, 8–10 June 2010 .
- A. Al-Marhoun .: “The Oil Compressibility below Bubble Point Pressure Revisited – Formulations and Estimations,” paper SPE 120047 presented at 16th SPE Middle East Oil Show & Conference, Bahrain, 15 – 18 March 2009 .
- A. Ayoub, D. M. Raja and M. A. Al-Marhoun : “Evaluation of Below Bubble Point Viscosity Correlations and Construction of a New Neural Network Model,” paper SPE 108439 presented at the Asia Pacific Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, 30 October – 1 November 2007 , Jakarta, Indonesia.
- A. Al-Marhoun : “A New Correlation for Undersaturated Isothermal Oil Compressibility,” paper SPE 81432-SUM, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering Online, Volume 9, Number 4, August 2006 .
- A. Osman and M. A. Al-Marhoun : “ Artificial Neural Networks Models for Predicting PVT Properties of Oil Field Brines,” 14th SPE Middle East Oil Show & Conference, Bahrain, 12-15 March 2005 .
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- A. Al-Marhoun : “PVT Input Data: Accuracy and Limitation,” Reservoir Simulation Workshop, Saudi Aramco, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 4-5 December 2004 .
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- A. Al-Marhoun : “Evaluation of Mathematical Models of PVT Properties for Middle East and Canadian Crude Oils,” paper presented at the 2003 SPE Technical Symposium of Saudi Arabia Section held in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 7-9 June .
- A. Al-Marhoun : “The Coefficient of Isothermal Compressibility of Black Oils,” paper SPE 81432 presented at 13thSPE Middle East Oil Show & Conference, Bahrain, 9-12 June 2003 .
- N. Al-Khamis, A. Al-Nojaim and M. A. Al-Marhoun : “Performance Evaluation of Coriolis Mass Flow meters,” Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol.124, June 2002, 90-94
- A. Al-Marhoun : “State of the art and outlook for future development,” SPE 2001–2002 Distinguished Lecturer Program .
- A. Al-Marhoun and E. A. Osman: “Using Artificial Neural Networks to Develop New PVT Correlations for Saudi Crude Oils,” 10thAbu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 13-16 October 2002 .
- A. Humoud and M. A. Al-Marhoun : “A New Correlation for Gas-condensate Dewpoint Pressure Prediction,” 12thSPE Middle East Oil Show & Conference, Bahrain, 17-20 March 2001 .
- A. Al-Marhoun : “Adjustment of Differential Liberation Data to Separator Conditions,” 12thSPE Middle East Oil Show & Conference, Bahrain, 17-20 March 2001 .
- A. Osman, O. A. Abdel-Wahhab and M. A. Al-Marhoun : “Prediction of Oil PVT Properties Using Neural Networks,” 12thSPE Middle East Oil Show & Conference, Bahrain, 17-20 March 2001 .
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- M. Oskay, D. A. Al-Shehri, S. A. Abu-Khamsin and M. A. Al-Marhoun : “Carbon Dioxide Minimum Miscibility Pressure for Saudi Arabian Crudes,” The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Vol.14, No.2, April 1989 , 169-180.
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- A. Al-Marhoun : “Pressure-Volume-Temperature Correlations for Saudi Crude Oils,” Paper SPE 13718, Proceedings, 4thSPE Middle East Oil Technical Conference & Exhibition, Bahrain, (March 11-14, 1985) .